facial care beauty treatments beauty

Hot or cold water to wash your face? Explanations!

One of the main beauty routine gestures every morning in the bathroom in front of the mirror is to wash your face.


Nos dernières bulles

hair tips hair beauty

Get rid of electric hair: 8 effective tips

It often happens that our hair becomes electric, especially in winter, and there is nothing more annoying than that, because nobody wants to look like someone struck by lightning.

hair care hair beauty

Hair Botox: should you use it or not?

Taking care of your hair is essential to be pretty all the time, even when you wake up. It is therefore important to consider several methods that can be used.

choose perfume perfume beauty

Offering perfume to a young woman: which are the best?

If there is a gift that can please everyone, it is perfume. However, it should still be kept in mind that you should not choose just any one, quite the contrary.

put on some perfume perfume beauty

Rubbing perfume between your wrists: myth or good idea?

Several myths exist when it comes to beauty and among them it is possible to cite the vaporization of perfume. Very often, we are told that it is absolutely necessary to rub it between the wrists so that it lasts longer.

choose perfurme perfume beauty

What perfume to offer to a man: selection of the best perfumes!

As you all know by now, gifting perfumes is one of the best gifts you can give to anyone and for any occasion. Whether it’s her birthday, Christmas or another holiday, fragrances will never fail you.

choose perfume perfume beauty

What perfume to give to a woman: our advice for choosing the right one

Choosing a perfume to give to a woman is not always easy, especially if you don’t know her tastes. Each woman can have her own style of perfume.


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put on some perfume perfume beauty

How to perfume yourself well? : the rules to follow to smell good

Before leaving home, in the morning to go to work or rather in the evening for an outing with family or friends, we all put on a little perfume. Some put a few drops behind the ears, while others prefer to put some on the neck, or even directly on the clothes. This gesture may seem trivial, but is more complex than it seems!

hair coloration hair beauty

Disaster my blonde turns green!

Whether it’s UV rays, salt or chlorine, you have a lot of enemies when you have a blond head…

hair tips hair beauty

Keep your straightening all day: my tips

Taking good care of your hair is essential to achieve the look you need and love so much. However, it is not always easy to achieve this, especially if you have frizz that appears after straightening.
